Bantuan Pencarian (Searching)

Ada dua metode yang tersedia pada pencarian katalog perpustakaan. Pertama adalah PENCARIAN SEDERHANA (SIMPLE SEARCH), yang mana metode sederhana pada pencarian katalog. Kamu dapat memasukkan banyak kata kunci, termasuk judul, nama pengarang, atau subjek (tema). Kamu bisa memasukkan lebih dari satu kata kunci dalam metode Pencarian Sederhana dan itu dapat meluaskan hasil pencarianmu.

There are 2 methods available on searching library catalog. The first one is SIMPLE SEARCH, which is the simplest method on searching catalog. You just enter any keyword, either it containes in titles, author(s) names or subjects. You can supply more than one keywords in Simple Search method and it will expanding your search results.


ADVANCED SEARCH, lets you define keywords in more specific fields. If you want your keywords only contained in title field, then type your keyword in Title field and the system will limit its search within Title fields only, not in other fields. Location field lets you narrowing search results by specific location, so only collection that exists in selected location get fetched by system.


Akses Katalog Publik Daring - Gunakan fasilitas pencarian untuk mempercepat penemuan data katalog